Thursday, April 27, 2006


I want to start a campaign.
Lately, my friends and I ( people who have taken microbiology and either don't want to touch ANYTHING, or stick our hands in all kinds of nasty stuff without flinching, as long as it is OUR OWN nasty stuff)are noticing that the public bathrooms in this world are maybe the most dangerous places to visit that there are. Either they don't have paper towels AT ALL, or they don't have a trash can close to the door you exit so you can open the door, then dispose of them.
We have been known to be very bad kids and throw our paper towels on the floor, or go to the manager with our hands dripping, introduce ourselves, shaking their hands with one hand while covering their hands with the other as we explain our dissatisfaction with their facilities (kudos to my friend, the princess, for this idea.)
Ever heard of e-coli? Pseudomonas? C-difficile? Ever just stood in a bathroom and watched how many people go out the door without even washing their hands? If you have to grab that door behind them, you are touching their nether regions without any thrill to go with it. AND, if the employees of a restaraunt use the same bathroom, they are touching it , too, even if they are diligent about washing their hands before they leave.
We need to turn off the faucets with the paper towel, so, if they ARE available, get your paper towel before you start, then carry the paper towel with you to the door, open the door and go out. If there isn't a receptacle for it, carry it to the manager to dispose for you, and tell them WHY they are doing it. If they AREN'T available, do the wet hand trick, it is fun to see the look on their faces when they feel your wet hands.......
Remember, crack kills! (get it?)


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