Rocket J Squirrel
We have lost another aviator in our family.
Uncle Rocky built his own airplanes. He built some things that many people wouldn't have thought of going up in, wouldn't even have wanted to watch anyone else fly in. He got my Mom to fly with him wearing a Rocket J Squirrel aviator hat, flaps and all, in an open air craft that was one of the precursors to ultralights. She was incredibly cute in it.
There are probably so many stories that could be told here about his life and flying experiences, we are all deprived children because I can't pass them on to you. I DO know he has landed planes in trees, he lived in a community build in a square around taxiing and landing strips, and every house had a small hangar to house each owner's planes.
We had a family reunion at his house one time. His neighbors and aviator friends provided us with rides, many probably to people who never before and never again will ride in anything smaller than a 727. It was hot, it was noisy, it was a blast!
His passing should be noted, he was a very interesting guy, as were/are all my Uncles. I know Daddy was there to greet him, and show him where the tarmac was.
See you later, Rocky.
Uncle Rocky built his own airplanes. He built some things that many people wouldn't have thought of going up in, wouldn't even have wanted to watch anyone else fly in. He got my Mom to fly with him wearing a Rocket J Squirrel aviator hat, flaps and all, in an open air craft that was one of the precursors to ultralights. She was incredibly cute in it.
There are probably so many stories that could be told here about his life and flying experiences, we are all deprived children because I can't pass them on to you. I DO know he has landed planes in trees, he lived in a community build in a square around taxiing and landing strips, and every house had a small hangar to house each owner's planes.
We had a family reunion at his house one time. His neighbors and aviator friends provided us with rides, many probably to people who never before and never again will ride in anything smaller than a 727. It was hot, it was noisy, it was a blast!
His passing should be noted, he was a very interesting guy, as were/are all my Uncles. I know Daddy was there to greet him, and show him where the tarmac was.
See you later, Rocky.