Monday, January 22, 2007

Little black cloud

Been offline. Amazing to me how out of touch I have felt because of it. 'Puter got sick, had to take it to the hospital and have multiple limbs amputated. They had apparently become gangrenous. So, bit by bit, starting over.
BUT, the day before the 'puter bit the dust, the big screen tv went "pop" (little "pop", not a big one) and shut off. When I turned everything back on, I had blinking timer light, and nothing would let me turn the tv back on. Tried to "reboot", dvr,unplugged everything, let it sit for 10 minutes, then for a couple hours. Called Cox systems support, then Sony techies. No help. Gonna call the tv doc and see if he makes house calls. This thing isn't the biggest one, but too big for me to want to haul it all over town. We have been very happy that we have had it for as long as we have, feel like we got two more years than we expected, because Ivan filled it with water and wet drywall (oxymoron?). We let it dry, turned it on and, VIOLA!!!! (As opposed to voila!) big screen tv!! This was still during the time we had NO walls, Troughs hanging from the ceiling so that when it rained, it would run the 50 drips into one big one, and 4 extension cords running into a window to run the fridge, fan, lights and YES!! the BIG SCREEN TV!! FOOTBALL!!!!! The rooster would sit in a lawn chair with an upturned "mud" bucket to put his ashtray and beer on, and he was a happy camper, quite literally.
SOOOO, we really can't complain much......not much.....but the timing really sucks, dontcha think? Doesn't it usually, tho?
Got a smaller tv we had in the bedroom that will do the trick until we find out if it is due for a code change....(medics will know). DNR may be in our future. We will grieve, but there ARE some awfully nice LCD's out there...............
Anyway, tv can wait a bit, 'puter couldn't. Glad to be back.