Sunday, August 24, 2008


Too young.
Got a phone call from Mom the other day telling me that another person who spent a short, but significant amount of time in my life died of a massive heart attack. Another crush of my young life, but I sure could pick 'em back then. Shame that skill didn't show up again until much later in my life......
He lived with us, I don't even remember for exactly how long, but long enough to fall in love with one of our "cousin in laws". He married her, had children, and they remained together "until death do us part ".
Sad, that statement seems such an accomplishment nowdays.
Infectious grin, good looks. Practical joker.
My first pair of glasses were promptly smeared with mashed potatoes with his tongue. He and my Dad drove into town to pick up a pizza ( Did they have delivery back then? I don't think so). They got the people there to cut the pizza in one box, then transfer it to another so they could make us think Gil had eaten the whole thing by himself on the way home. He would have HAD to be the culprit, because in those days, my Dad wouldn't touch a pizza with a ten foot pole, said it stunk so bad a cat would cover it up!
Last time I saw him was at my Dad's viewing, or funeral, or both, not sure....still good looking, still with the infectious grin, probably still a practical joker.
Just what kind of tricks do you pull on God? He has either already pulled one, or is trying to figure that out for himself. I wonder of God eats pizza? I bet so. I bet he eats hort dorgs, too.
Bye, Gil, see you later.


Blogger OlePrairiedog said...

I am beginning to believe some very wonderful hidden talents lie beneath the surface here. That was a well written article. You have a lot of capacity to influence folks with your letters. You go, Girl

9:02 AM  

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