Thursday, November 03, 2005


I originated this spot while my family was enduring the recovery from hurricane Ivan. A family member had begun blogging, and I found it interesting. Problem was, house was demolished, camper wouldn't hold a computer (weren't sure at that point if it would have been usable, even so) and my connection to cyberspace was an MSNTV2 unit. Now, that was a wonderful critter as far as keeping me connected with the rest of the world was concerned, but was limited in many ways. I could log on, name everything, set my password, etc., but when it came time to put the curser in the area to begin typing, I hit a brick wall. Frustrating, but very small potatoes when compared to the other things we were enduring, and to a smaller extent, still are.
Here we are, more than one year later, and we have just reconnected a new computer (Old Bessie survived, but with too many glitches to deal with). Some around here haven't even really begun their recovery, and I feel if I were in their shoes, I would load up a car and move north, even without a penny to my name. I can't wrap my brain around what Katrina's victims are dealing with, and WILL deal with. Ivan was a disaster, one that has inflicted varying degrees of PTSD on us all, and it was not near as bad as the mess Katrina left behind. Not because she was that much worse as a storm, but because of multiple factors that would have come into play with very similar results, had Ivan hit where she did. And for that area, the trauma has just begun. More on that later.
Explanation for the name of this ever wonder if God has a sense of humor? Never fear, HE/SHE does, and it is extremely warped!! Timing is everything. The hurricane/recovery from and menopause are occuring at the same time! Not as cruel as could be, tho, for when the hot flashes would become a true factor in my sleep patterns, we had air conditioning in some form to use. The feather pillow reference is thrown in because I wanted a source of comfort amidst the thorns.
So, here we are, and I hope to connect with some of you in the future!


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